Acts & Rules
Acts & Rules > Medical Council of India Regulations 2000
Govt. of Chhattisgarh established by Chhattisgarh Medical Council.
(Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Issue Part III – Section 4 Dated 15th November 2000)
Medical Council of India
New Delhi, the 25th October, 2000
MCI No. 2(1) 2000 Med. – In exercise of the powers conferred by section 33 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) the Medical Council of India, with the previous sanction of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations, namely :-
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Amendment -28.10.2009
1. Short title and commencement –
(1) These Regulations may be called the Medical Council of India Regulations, 2000.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
PART – 10
60. Appointment of Visitor :-
1. The Visitation shall be carried out in accordance with this regulation.
2. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 18, a visitor may be either a member of the Council or some person who is or has been a teacher at a medical college affiliated to an Indian University for at least five years and shall have acted as examiner.
3. A visitor who is a member of the Council shall not receive any remuneration, but shall be paid traveling and other allowances according to the scale prescribed for members for attending the meetings of the Council and a visitor who is not a member of the Council shall be paid traveling and other allowances in accordance with the scale prescribed for the Inspectors.
4. Every visitor shall receive from the President a formal Commission in writing under the seal of the Council. The Commission shall specify the examination or examinations and the medical colleges, hospitals and other institutions where medical education is given which he is required to visit and shall inform him that he is to report thereon to the President in accordance with these regulations and to conduct enquiries or make inspection regarding specific issues mentioned in the commission, in accordance with these regulations.
5. It shall be the duty of a visitor to:-
a. attend personally every examination which he is required to visit and to see for himself the teaching facilities provided;
b. report to the President of the Council independently and separately on every examination visited by him:
c. include in his report as he may deem ‘relevant and desirable’ a record of the days and hours when he was present during the course of each examination visited and of the parts or divisions of examinations in progress on each day and of the Medical Colleges, hospitals and other institutions which he visited;
d. include also in his report a statement to the extent to which the recommendations of the Council in regard to professional examinations have been carried out in the case of each examination visited by him and also to what extent the recommendations of the council on professional education have been given effect to in the visitation, and also the facilities for teaching in regard to accommodation, staff, equipment, existing in the medical colleges and associated hospitals and other institutions visited by him;
e. include in his report such other relevant observations as he may deem desirable;
f. make such inspections and enquiries on behalf of the Council as he might think necessary so as to enable him to draw up a report to the President on the specific issues for which the visitation is made.